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Client Spotlight: Polished Dental Care

by | Aug 12, 2022 | GreenCup Digital Client Spotlight

In the world of small business entrepreneurship, unexpected obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. As a woman-owned small business ourselves, GreenCup Digital understands the deep passion entrepreneurs have for the core functions, features, and services our small businesses provide. This passion fuels our creativity, drive, and functionality as innovators in our field.  

Too often, however, the marketing responsibilities of running a business weigh small business owners down and overwhelm their days with work that barely comes close to the origins of their passion. Instead of diving headfirst into the aspects of business they enjoy, small business owners find themselves spending hours at the computer trying to schedule social media, update websites, send out e-newsletters, and invest in smart digital SEO management tools. These seemingly small (but entirely time-consuming) tasks result in frustration, intimidation, and delays. 

This is where GreenCup Digital steps in. We’re digital marketing specialists; our passion lives and breathes for the very tasks our clients wish to spend less time on. The GreenCup Digital strategy involves listening to our clients, understanding their unique needs, and carving out a digital brand indicative of their professionalism, expertise, and passion for the job. 

We partner with our clients to ensure their interests are protected, promoted, and presented to target audiences in a noteworthy, memorable way. 

Polished Dental Care is GreenCup Digital’s most recent example of working with a new business owner to develop digital branding strategies that make an impact, are easily understood, and embraced by target audiences. Join us as we detail Polished Dental Care’s challenges and GreenCup Digital’s distinctive, results-driven solutions.  


Polished Dental Care came to GreenCup Digital with a unique situation; for close to 30 years, Polished Dental Care was known as Peters Family Dentistry, owned by dynamic dentist duo Dr. Dan and Dr. Deb. Peters Family Dentistry was beloved by both patients and internal associates alike. In fact, one associate dentist, Dr. Liz, valued her role within Peters Family Dentistry so much, she stayed at the practice for over nine years to absorb everything she could about the clients, care, and organizational culture of one of Grand Rapid’s most-loved dental offices.    

Dr. Liz’s commitment to excellence and genuine, exceptional care for patients led her towards the exciting opportunity to take ownership of the dental practice. In July of 2021, Dr. Liz became the proud owner of Peters Family Dentistry. Dr. Liz had the experience, practice, and patients she’d come to know and care for as her own – now she needed a brand to show it!

GreenCup Digital became Dr. Liz’s partner in digital success. Our goals included developing an entirely new practice name, brand, and dental practice website that softly transitioned current patients while capturing the eyes of new and prospective patients throughout the Grand Rapids area. We wanted to create a user-friendly digital experience that spoke to Dr. Liz’s passion for her work and capitalized on automation techniques to keep time spent on the computer at a minimum. 

Dr. Liz sought GreenCup Digital’s perspective, advice, and opinion as a trusted authority; by listening and understanding how her dental practice operated, we were able to provide collaborative, knowledge-based solutions to reach the practice’s goals.


Green Cup Digital began with a Digital Marketing Audit. This allowed us to assess the practice’s current digital presence, conduct market analysis, and evaluate against competitors. 

Together with Dr. Liz and taking into consideration various industry standards, best practices, and SEO techniques, we developed strategies around a new dental practice name. After a series of conversations aimed at identifying Dr. Liz’s unique style, needs, and goals, an official practice name was chosen. Polished Dental Care was born! 

The practice’s new name inspired a completely new look; GreenCup Digital provided Polished Dental Care with a custom-designed logo, brandmark, and color scheme for both digital (website, social media, and e-communication) and physical (business cards, appointment cards, and signage) marketing materials. Our design was so well-received that we heard it may be the inspiration behind a future office remodel!   

 Next, we took a deep dive into the practice’s inbound marketing, including content development and automated tools designed to attract new patients. Polished Dental Care’s website previously leaned heavily on industry-specific language, especially when describing dental office procedures and services. Industry language tends to degrade website user experience over time, so we proposed a full website redevelopment with specific attention given to patient-friendly services page content. We also linked Polished Dental Care to one of our trusted partners, Stoneburner Video, to develop a homepage video that captures the practice’s unique story.

Online appointment scheduling technology also received a complete overhaul, with thoughtful consideration given to how each patient will engage when visiting the site. Now when a patient wishes to schedule an appointment online, they’re guided to choose whether they’re a new patient or returning patient. This change allows new patients to easily understand where to go for more information and gives returning patients a clear path toward fast, convenient scheduling capabilities.  

Polished Dental Care’s primary goal was to capture their own voice and digital identity among both a returning and new patient population. GreenCup Digital listened and walked alongside them as they reached their goals, providing reassurance and feedback throughout the journey. 


Polished Dental Care’s redesigned website launched in July of 2022 and features a new logo, color scheme, brand-led strategic content, and intentional user experience design techniques. The site optimizes effectiveness and efficiency while showcasing Dr. Liz’s personality, goals, commitment to her patients, and dedication to her practice. Patients can easily navigate from service descriptions to appointment scheduling, and Polished Dental Care’s engagement-centered web tools keep both patients and dentists smiling.


Not only did Edward design a gorgeous website, better than we could have imagined, Kiki came up with a fun and creative logo for our new brand, it’s fun and “polished” just like us! – Katie Belland, Director of Operations

GreenCup Digital armed Polished Dental Care with a set of robust website analytic tools so we can track webpage views, engagement, and click-through rates. Web analytics come standard with every website project we partner on; at GreenCup Digital, we believe our clients should have the tools and resources they need to continue improving their digital marketing efforts for the lifetime of their business. We aim to empower our clients with the information necessary to adjust strategies, stay current, and continually evaluate user experience.   

Our partnership with Dr. Liz helped develop her digital identity as a new business owner and effectively created strategies that attract new patients, retain returning patients, and make small business digital marketing less time-consuming and easier to manage.

What’s next for Polished Dental Care? With a stunning new website and brand to build upon, we’re confident Dr. Liz has everything she needs to care for her patients both in the office and online. GreenCup Digital provided Polished Dental Care with the tools they need to remain flexible and current in digital marketing’s ever-changing climate. Our digital continuity of care leaves our inbox open to continued conversation as the practice grows and needs, ideas, and goals evolve.

Are you searching for the perfect partner to help launch your new small business brand or idea? GreenCup Digital can help. We forge lifelong, collaborative working relationships with our clients to carry small businesses from conception to success. Connect with us here to learn more, schedule time to grab a coffee, and talk small business digital marketing strategy. 

About the Author

Jen Buck

Jen has a way with words. As a copywriting wizard, she uniquely crafts copy to help drive qualified leads and showcase the best your business has to offer.
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