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Client Spotlight: Niki Alexandrou

by | Feb 8, 2022 | GreenCup Digital Client Spotlight

Every small business starts with an idea. Sometimes the idea strikes in the midst of everyday life, like when you’re cooking and stumble upon a new seasoning combination or when your grandma loves your writing so much you begin to wonder if you can do it full-time. Sometimes your passions drive small business ideas. Maybe you love the gym so much you decide to launch your own personal training business. Maybe the delight you feel when arranging flowers is so tangible and reflective in your bouquets that people are willing to pay money for your talent. Perhaps you’re like our client Niki Alexandrou, who woke up one day and realized her purpose was to coach, lead, and help others along their way toward self-discovery. 

Whatever the inspiration behind your business, GreenCup Digital is here to take your ideas and turn them into a profitable, results-driven online presence. We partner with clients like Niki to provide small business digital marketing strategies that deliver a positive return on your investment. Join us as we learn more about the challenges Niki faced when she first began her business and how GreenCup Digital helped her find the perfect solution. 

The Challenge

Niki Alexandrou didn’t begin her life as a world-renowned speaker and leadership coach. Matter of fact, she spent a substantial portion of her life with her nose to the grindstone, earning accolades and titles in high-level corporate legal positions throughout the globe. It wasn’t until she woke up one morning, paralyzed with corporate burnout, that she realized she needed to make a shift. She searched her soul, gained feedback from close family and trusted friends, and narrowed down her passions. She realized more than anything, she wanted to help people find their truth, strength, and ideal career path. Just like that, Niki Alexandrou’s leadership coaching business was born. 

Yet, the next few steps eluded her. She had a great idea, a strong, dedicated drive to excel, and the experience and passion to make a difference. Now what? 

Niki needed someone to help define her small business’s voice. She needed to create, build up, and promote her brand. She needed an expert digital marketing partner who could handle the unique needs of an international marketing campaign and understood the passion she wished to convey to potential clients. GreenCup Digital answered her call. 

The Solution

The first thing GreenCup Digital did to launch Niki’s small business into digital marketing success was outline the core functions of her services. Leadership coaching is a multi-faceted industry; to establish her brand, we needed to narrow down the unique features of her small business and define her target audience. We began by hosting discovery conversations with her about her ideal client, the types of content that make the most impact on her ideal client, and how best to present that content on a small business website.

While chatting with Niki, many times she emphasized wanting to help clients succeed and guide them through big transitions, almost being a guiding star. I feel that the brand mark that I created for her gives an uplifting movement by tilting the “A” upward to the right. Typically marks that are tilted up to the right in such a fashion give a feeling of uplift. The general feel of “uplift” is what I felt Niki expressed that she wishes to bring to her clients. The modern, sleek mark is also very minimal, which Niki had portrayed and actually lives in day-to-day life – she did take me on a tour of her house to give me a 360 view of her and her lifestyle. This mark to me encompasses all that Niki is – in work and life.


Brand Strategist, GreenCup Digital

Once we had Niki’s brand identified and perfected, we started developing her small business website. Niki is an international small business owner and consequently, we had to work around global time zones to ensure everyone was on the same page every step of the way. We also had to ensure her site’s content was internationally responsive; we wanted to appeal to her global target audience, and that meant viewing her website through a diverse set of eyes. 

Niki came to GreenCup Digital with an impressive amount of testimonials and we wanted to display her hard-earned praise in strategic places throughout her website. We also wanted to highlight call-to-action buttons and break up the web content to improve user experience and showcase the most important details of her small business. We worked with Niki to develop a unique color palette and design guide that fit her brand and helped us accomplish everything we needed on her website. 

One of GreenCup Digital’s key characteristics as your small business digital marketing partner is that we dig deep into the data and logic behind our marketing strategies. We want to isolate the components of your content that make the biggest impact online. We are not a copy-and-paste marketing firm that simply tosses content out there for the sake of having content. At GreenCup Digital, we combine your expertise with our digital marketing mastery to create profitability and brand awareness. 

Like GreenCup Digital, Niki values long-term client relationships and seeks to arm her clients with the knowledge they need to stay successful. To enhance this specific pillar of her business model, we built a customized “Resources” page into her website, filled with podcast features, videos, and book recommendations. Niki is able to update the page with her latest thoughts and unique findings to really drive home and prove her passion for individual growth and career-focused evolution. 

The Results

Today, Niki’s website functions as a perfect lead funnel and resource branch of her business. Her content captures the interest of potential clients while providing ongoing support and materials for current clients. Her brand is easily recognized, clear, and concise and she’s earned features from heavy-hitting, global companies like Google and TedX. We are thrilled to see Niki thrive and we continue to be on standby should she need any additional digital marketing assistance in the future.

Do you have the next best small business idea? Let GreenCup Digital help you launch your skills and talents into profitable digital spaces! With our dedicated team of branding and web development experts, together we can form a digital marketing strategy that is sure to get you noticed by your target customers. Reach out to us here and let’s talk about how a GreenCup Digital partnership can take your small business to global heights. 

About the Author

Jen Buck

Jen has a way with words. As a copywriting wizard, she uniquely crafts copy to help drive qualified leads and showcase the best your business has to offer.
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