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Google’s 2021 Year in Search and What It Means for Your Business

by | Jan 10, 2022 | Content Writing, SEO

As a small business owner looking to develop new content, Google’s Year In Search is a hot spot for fresh ideas to help you drive search engine optimization (SEO) and take advantage of trending keywords. Every year Google releases this list highlighting the words and phrases topping search trends. The data shows the secrets behind search, including our interests, desires, questions, and the things we’re only willing to confide in Google. 

Looking at the list, you could be thinking, ok, but how do I connect my business to searches for NBA, Mega Millions, and Simone Biles? While it’s true that most companies can’t reference people, athletes, aesthetics, games, or even some news articles, you can relate to human curiosity. While social media algorithms and photoshop can offer a lot of fictitious content, people are usually pretty honest in the searches. They are on a quest for information, and if your business can deliver the answer, then you’re doing it right! 

To start, we highly recommend you look deeper into the “how-to” section, including things like “How To Help Texas”, “How To Pronounce Quinoa,” and even in the vanity of “How To Be More Attractive.” Now, if you’re like us providing a service that doesn’t fit Texas, Quinoa, or the Beauty Industry, I can see your frustration, but trust us, just under the surface, there’s valuable content

For instance, “How to be mindful” came in at #9. Consider turning this phrase into an article about “How to be mindful about your spending in 2022”. “How to be mindful of diversity” is another way to turn the phrase into an article.

It’s also important to look for spiking interests. Entrepreneurship continues to be a top search category as the “Great Resignation” took place in 2021 and continues in 2022. Google saw more searches for “how to start a business” than “how to get a job.” If you’re a small business coach, offer valuable business classes, or work as a recruiter – these are all keyword phrases that could turn into conversion-driving content.

Take a look at what the world is searching for – affirmations, volunteer opportunities, how to conserve, ask for a raise, second-hand shop, women’s health, honeycomb cookies, and Small Business Saturday. Review your content strategy and how you can apply the interests of your clients and the global search community into new blog posts and social media content. Need help using trending search terms to your business? Contact GreenCup Digital Today!

30 Content Ideas | GreenCupDigital

About the Author

Kendra Higgins

Kendra can tell what button you’ll push. She loves to create the best user experience for her clients, and drive the leads you need with actionable landing pages. Basically living a double life, you can also find her chasing chickens around her homestead.
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