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How to Write Header Copy That Converts

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Content Writing

Picture this: You finally built a fancy new website for your small business. The branding is on point, the graphic design is top-notch, and your “About” page tells a story so beautiful it would make Ernest Hemingway jealous. Your inbox, on the other hand, is empty. What gives? 

Well, it might actually be more about what your website isn’t giving, namely, information and a call to action. 

Aesthetics are great, but conversions are what matter. You want a website that looks good AND drives customers to your business. Your header offers a simple way to do just that. With a couple of small tweaks to the website copy in that header, this will help lead your potential customers right to what they’re looking for: You.

The Winning Formula

High-conversion copy isn’t a back-room secret or some kind of witchcraft. You just have to follow a formula based on a few essential marketing principles that will magically get your customers to do what you want them to (hmmm, maybe it is witchcraft?). The basic idea is that you want to use your home page header to convey your value proposition to your customers quickly and simply. 

A value proposition outlines the problem your customers want to solve and, most importantly, how you’ll help them solve it. It’s your elevator pitch of what your business does and why people need your product or service. Put another way, it’s a simple statement that proposes how your business adds value to your customers’ lives (nudge, nudge). 

Here is a basic format you can follow to turn your value proposition into high-conversion website copy. Phrase your value proposition according to the following formula and watch the clicks start rolling in: 

I help [who you help] with [thing you do]. Click here to [connect/learn more/get in touch].

Why is this so effective, and why should this be the first thing your customers see on your website? 

It’s simple. None of us want to use our brains any more than we have to. When you use this copy, there’s no puzzle to solve, no riddle to decipher, and no code to crack. Your customers will read your header and know exactly what they can expect from you. 

It’s direct. It doesn’t just tell your customers what you do but also what they should do next. Click a link, fill out a form, send an email, whatever! You provide clear instructions and make it easy to take action. 

It’s informative. It may only be a few words, but, as a famous space wizard once said, “Size matters not.” (and he clearly knows a thing or two about witchcraft). You can pack a lot of information into a brief sentence about your business and the services or products you provide. 

Headers in Action

Need some help getting started crafting your website copy? Here are some examples of this high-conversion formula in action to give you inspiration for your website.

  • I provide [target customer] with [specific product/service]. Get in touch here!
  • Helping [who you help] do [what you do] since [founding year]. [Book a consultation/schedule a call]!
  • We sell [your products] to [target customer/persona]! [Browse our catalog/view our product line].
  • I help [who you help] to [service you provide] so you can [customers’ idea of success]. Get started here!
  • We’ll make sure [target customers] always have the best [product]. Get yours here.
  • Empowering [ideal customers] with [service you provide]. Book a [consultation/call] here!
  • Our [product] helps [target customers] to [meet your customer’s specific need]. View our [product] here.
  • Doing [your service] to help [target customer] achieve [what success means for your market]. Get started today!
  • Our [product or service] is designed specifically for [your customers] to help [need you meet]. [Order/book service] now!
  • Ensuring [target customers] succeed in [need you meet] through our [product or service]. 

Alright, now that your header is done, let’s focus on the rest of your site. The GreenCup experts are standing by to help you build a fresh, new website, up your social media game, and get you noticed. Get in touch today, and let’s start building your online brand so you’re always putting your best digital foot forward. 

About the Author

Will Libby

Will is a language nerd and storytelling enthusiast. He enjoys the challenge of tailoring his writing to suit a unique brand voice while also delivering informative, thought-provoking content.
How to Write Website Content That Converts

How to Write Website Content That Converts

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