616 - 929 - 0181 hello@greencupdigital.com

Advanced Interiors

what we did

Ditched the third-party template and created an online experience that matches the in-person services provided to West Michigan.






Advanced Interiors has been in business for over 18 years, but needed a new approach to their online experience and a modern way of connecting with their audiences. Previously using a third-party template they could not access themselves, Green Cup Digital developed a website that not only delivered on aesthetic but empowered their staff to update their own site as needed.



Improving function

The new design not only reflects their brand, but also improves the user experience through updated navigation and content. Each interior solutions gives users access to a brief overview, brands and easily comparable benefits, engaging the user to explore more options. The goal of the website was not to sell any one product but to become a resource, offering an open invite to explore products more throughly in their showroom.

Does your website match
your brand experience?