616 - 929 - 0181 hello@greencupdigital.com

grand rapids marathon

what we do

provide custom branded content that keeps fans engaged and the audience growing


Grand Rapids resident “Marathon Don” Kern has run more than 350 marathons, held the World’s Record for running 7 races on 7 continents in the shortest time, and has run marathons in all 50 states in the USA. It’s no surprise that Mr. Kern would also create and manage the Grand Rapids Marathon and several other local races.

However, all of that running and training that goes with it has left Mr. Kern with little time to maintain the associated social media platforms. With GreenCup Digital’s help, social media traffic and engagement has seen a marked increase. With GreenCup Digital helping him keep pace with today’s fans and followers, Don Kern can focus on what he really loves to do – run.




always add humor.

When it comes to athletes, social media posts don’t have to follow the same rigid lines as their training programs do. With Grand Rapids Marathon, we let the voice of the client shine through reflecting humor with a little snark slipping through. It’s about being supportive, informative and true to your organization, regardless of the platform.  

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your brand experience?