616 - 929 - 0181 hello@greencupdigital.com
Using A Call To Action That Converts

Using A Call To Action That Converts

Think back to your most recent online transaction or new program you just signed up for. You probably had to click a Call To Action (CTA) to proceed, right? A CTA is usually an image, icon, or line of text that prompts website viewers to take action.  Whether it be...
Is Digital Marketing Right For You?

Is Digital Marketing Right For You?

As a growing business, it can be hard to navigate all the terminology thrown at you when it comes to marketing. Not only are you trying to hit revenue goals to keep your business on the up and up, but also track and measure KPIs, jump on the newest TikTok trend,...
Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

How many unread emails do you have in your inbox?  Be honest. Is it 100? 500? Or maybe if you’re like some of us, over 1000?!  You may have even more than that in your email inbox. We all get loads of emails each and every day (105 billion emails sent each day!) Many...