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Why You Should Be Using Video In Your Social Media Marketing

by | May 3, 2022 | Social Media

2021 was the year of video, and the social media trends so far in 2022 show that it’s not going anywhere. This year, videos have accounted for 82% of all consumer internet traffic, with 86% of online advertisers reporting the use of video in their marketing efforts. 

Video is an essential part of every mainline social media platform. Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise you that video content is 40 times more likely to be shared than text content. So are you using video in your marketing strategy? If not, it’s time to start. 


Five Reasons to Use Video in Your
Social Media Strategy

Lucky for you, there are many ways you can get started using video or uplevel your current social media strategy. 


Video Gets More Exposure and Traffic

You might notice that every time you jump on Facebook or Instagram, the first thing you see is a video. There are a few reasons for this. First, video performs better with most platforms’ algorithms because it keeps the user’s attention for longer. This is because videos generate more engagement, feeding the algorithm. On Instagram, for example, video generates more engagement than any other type of content. 

Second, social media platforms have been actively promoting videos and therefore give an extra boost to video content to encourage other users to hop on board. 

There’s no question that social media users love to consume videos. Therefore, the platforms reward creators using it with a top spot in their followers’ feed. 


Video Grabs Attention

Video is a great way to hook your audience and is easier to consume than text, allowing you to capture the user’s interest in the first few seconds. Remember that your videos should be bite-sized and easy to consume while still providing value. You should strive to capture their attention, share your message, and get your viewers to act. 

Using video allows businesses to make the most of trending topics and join the conversation. It will enable you to move quickly on the latest news, customer behavior, and viral phenomenon. 


Video Impacts Search Engine Optimization

Social media channels are now acting more like search engines each day. It’s vital that you not only create relevant content but that you optimize it for search. This means that you must create great headlines and descriptions, keeping your keywords and tags in mind just as you would on your website. Using video in your strategy can enhance your SEO efforts. 


Video Lasts Longer

Video content gets more reach and engagement. The metrics prove this. But did you know that video usually lasts longer in the social media feed?

This is because videos usually generate more interactions and shares, which means they will stay in your followers’ feeds longer.


Video Content Can Be Repurposed

While video content can take more bandwidth to create, the good news is you can use it to reach audiences on multiple platforms.

For example, if you do a Facebook Live, you can embed this link on your website. If you upload a video on YouTube, you can share this link to multiple social media channels. Or, if you create a TikTok video, you can upload it to Instagram as a Reel, or vice versa. 


How to Get Started with Video on Social Media

Many elements can go into social media videos, making it one reason businesses typically avoid taking the plunge. However, it is possible to establish a strategy by starting with the basics. You can analyze your results and refine your plan as you go! Here are our best tips:


Begin With Strategy

Before you start creating any content for your business, you need a plan. This should involve researching your audience, analyzing what competitors are doing, task delegation, and scheduling. Doing all of these things will help your campaign be more successful. 

For example, are you looking to raise brand awareness? Or are you interested in collecting leads? How about more website visits? Whatever your reason is, you need to be clear about your objective and develop your strategy accordingly.


Create Short and Concise Videos

While there are exceptions to the rule, your videos should be short and sweet. Videos should capture attention, share your message, and get your viewer to take the next step within a relatively short amount of time. Following best practices, make your video easy to consume while still providing value. 

If your topic is complex, you can break the content into smaller pieces instead of creating a long video. 


Make Your Video Stand Out Right Away

In today’s culture of instant gratification, people’s attention spans wane after about 8 seconds. You need to catch your viewer’s attention right away! The first few seconds of your video are crucial. Your viewer will decide if they will stay or move on to the next post. 

Here are some ways you can capture your viewers’ attention:

  • Ask thought-provoking questions
  • Use strong hooks
  • Share inspiring quotes
  • Create unique transitions
  • Use powerful visuals

Your intro should make your viewer curious enough to discover what happens next. 


End With a Call to Action

When your viewer comes to the end of your video, they will need to know what to do next. This is your chance to give them the answer! Please encourage them to act on what you want them to do. Leave your viewers with a purpose of how to proceed.

Be careful to balance your call to action and make sure it’s not too “salesy”. Encourage your viewers with an objective in mind; ask them to sign up for your newsletter if you want to collect leads. If you wish for website visits, encourage them to visit your website to learn more. If you are looking for brand awareness, a simple call to like or share your video will work to increase your reach. 

As always, consider the objective of your campaign when deciding what you want your viewer to do next.


Track the Results of your Social Media Videos

It’s essential to measure the results of every marketing effort, on or off social media, to find out what’s working and what’s not. Your progress should help to plan future marketing initiatives. Most all social media management platforms, native and third-party, will offer analytics on your social posts. Keep in mind that while likes and shares are a good measure of your videos’ popularity, you have to be sure that your calls to action are working too. 


If you need more help with your video marketing strategy, we are here to help. Reach out today and let us help make social media work for you! Connect with GreenCup Digital to partner with you in setting your social media objectives.

About the Author

Kendra Higgins

Kendra can tell what button you’ll push. She loves to create the best user experience for her clients, and drive the leads you need with actionable landing pages. Basically living a double life, you can also find her chasing chickens around her homestead.
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