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Video Marketing Essentials for Small Business Owners

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Social Media

As important as video marketing is for building your online presence, we know how awkward the process of making those videos can be. For those who didn’t act in the high-school play (talk about awkward), the thought of filming, editing, and presenting yourself on camera can be intimidating. However, with the right approach, you can create engaging and authentic content that resonates with your audience. Here’s how to make the most of video marketing, even if you’re not used to being on camera.


Use Your Time Well

There is a lot happening on social media all the time. Your video needs to be engaging and brief to grab your customers’ attention in the sea of social media noise. Think of each video as a bite-sized interaction that delivers value without demanding too much time from your viewers. That may sound like a big ask, but if you’ve done any kind of marketing before, you already know the formula for engaging video marketing content:

  • Start with a strong hook
  • Make content that adds value for your customers (answers a question, solves a problem, etc.)
  • End with a brief call to action

You’ve already done this with blogs, Instagram captions, and website content, now you just have to do it with video!

The short videos that perform best on social media are great for business owners who wear a lot of different hats because they don’t require a huge time investment from you. If a 14-year-old can find the time to become a TikTok star between school, drama rehearsal, and soccer practice, you can too. You can quickly film a snippet, edit it, and share it with your audience. This not only makes the process less intimidating but also helps you get comfortable with video production. Plus, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

To get started, try creating a few short, informal videos. Share a quick tip, a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or a brief product demonstration. Keeping it short and sweet makes the process manageable for yourself and fun for your customers.


Be Authentic in Video Marketing 

Authenticity is the cornerstone of effective video marketing (all marketing, really). Your audience wants to connect with the real you, so let your personality shine through in your videos. That may sound like a tall ask if you’re prone to stage fright (we understand – why do you think this is a blog and not a video essay?). Fear not! You can be your best self in front of the camera by following these guidelines:

  • Choose a comfortable setting. Your kitchen, your storefront, your bedroom, wherever! Anywhere you feel relaxed and yourself is great (just remember to put on pants).
  • Outline, but don’t script. Reading a word-for-word script can make you sound robotic and impersonal. The more conversational you sound, the more you can connect with your audience. Don’t be afraid to go off the cuff – you can always do another take!
  • Keep your customers in mind. It’s hard to talk to a camera, but connecting with customers is your specialty. Remember who your target audience is and speak to them, not your phone.

It’s also important to remember to keep your content, not just your delivery, authentic. Especially if you run a small business, you are your brand. Don’t dilute your brand (read, “yourself”) by chasing after trends that don’t match your business style and tone. Simple is often better, and there’s nothing more simple than being yourself.


Put Some Effort Toward Production Value

You don’t need to be a Hollywood director to create professional-looking videos (and even some Hollywood directors can’t manage that). A few simple tricks can significantly enhance your video’s quality and have you looking like you know what you’re doing (even if you don’t).

  • Use B-roll footage. It could be shots of your products, your team at work, or you strolling through your store. This gives you a chance to show off a product or service to your customers in a visually interesting way.
  • Invest in good lighting. A simple O-ring light for front-facing shots can bring out your good sides and keep your videos from looking like a Zoom meeting that could have been an email.
  • Edit your videos. The beautiful thing about video is that how you look is completely within your control (*sigh* if only it were always that way). Find your favorite editing program (there are a million great free editing tools out there) and turn those shots into a cohesive, engaging social media masterpiece!

Remember, while high production value can enhance your video, it’s your content that truly matters. Focus on delivering valuable, engaging, authentic content that speaks to your audience.

Looking for more help upping your video marketing game? Grab a coffee (or a beer) with the GreenCup Digital team, and let’s figure out how to enhance your online presence together! Get in touch to start your digital marketing journey!

About the Author

Will Libby

Will is a language nerd and storytelling enthusiast. He enjoys the challenge of tailoring his writing to suit a unique brand voice while also delivering informative, thought-provoking content.
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